Decoding European Creative Skills
The purpose of DECS is sharing the research about creative process decoding the skills of designers across Europe
DECS (Decoding European Creative Skills) is a co-funded project by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union leaded by ELISAVA along with Eindhoven University of Technology and Fachhochschule Salzburg University of Applied Sciences in order to share with the rest of designers communities our interest in getting to know better our profession.
To this end, we have worked on understanding and decoding the designer’s different creative stages. This is a vital concept for the correct understanding of the designer’s work and it has been the main area of our research during more than two years. Our main goal has been to map and categorize different creative skills that may define the know-how of current designers and designers-to-be. That’s how our Creative Skills Dictionary has been created, a living dictionary continuously updated and aimed to define all different concepts used in the creative field, helping to identify and understand the diversity of skills that define a designer’s work.
This same document has worked as ideological underpinning to conceive the Creative Decoding Tool, an online survey directly linked to the dictionary, receiving feedback from each other, in order to keep updated any new concepts related to the design field.